- Place BRONKS
Are they fake news or the new fakes?
Nowadays, everyone seems to be a politician, academic, consumer, producer, activist, nihilist, capitalist, terrorist, racist, journalist, and idealist all at the same time!
In The happy few five players deploy everything around them to sculpt their own transformation into an ultimate offer. For humanity, for future generations, and for those who don’t have the luxury of choosing between the harsh reality and an Instagram fairy tale. Are they stand-up comedians? Martyrs? Snobby wannabes? Are they superhuman dance virtuosos or insane pamphleteers who want to prick your conscience until you crawl into a corner out of sheer freight. Yet does it really matter?
choreografie & regie Randi De Vlieghe
muziek Michiel De Malsche
spelers Laurence Roothooft, Gaspard Rozenwajn, Jotka Bauwens, Arne Luiting & Adnane Lamarti
decorontwerp BRONKS, Jan de Brabander & Tom de With
productie BRONKS
Fri 14/03/2025, 20:00 | BRONKS - DERNIÈRE |