- Place BRONKS
Two dusty figures are endeavouring to survive the day, but they’re plagued by unforeseen horror. It’s not that there are monsters or ghosts roaming around, but the common everyday things simply scare them to death. Their own squeaking shoes, a glowing door handle, grating tea sets, and the crescendo of the mixer.
Fear shows us that the world has its own dynamics and that not everything happens as we would like it to happen. And so, it’s best to face fear front on.
concept & spel Katrien Valckenaers, Maxim Storms (Ballet Dommage)
eindregie Suze Millius
scenografie Tom de With, BRONKS-decoratelier & KVS
muziek Gerrit Valckenaers
kostuum Rosa Schützendorf
met de steun van taxshelter van de Belgische Federale Overheid via Cronos Invest
coproductie Perpodium