  • Place BRONKS

Man Strikes Back is a musical juggling performance.
Masters of ceremony: five wooden triangles, a juggler, and a drummer. Everything depends on the precision of the juggler and the reaction speed of the drummer. Until the wooden triangles take up new positions. The concert develops into an exciting choreography of objects, juggler, and musician. Yet who’s in the driving seat? Who needs who? Or is it a parallel dance? Each triangle comes to life with its own personality. Yet the more boisterous the triangles become, the greater the challenge becomes for the juggler to keep the balls in the air.  


Creatie Frederik Meulyzer, Ine Van Baelen & Stijn Grupping
Performance & live muziek Frederik Meulyzer & Stijn Grupping
Choreografie Ugo Dehaes
Robotica Edwin Dertien, Gertjan Biasino, Nick van Lange, Teun van der Molen & Ugo Dehaes
Licht Lucas Van Haesbroeck
Regie Ine Van Baelen
Techniek Arthur De Vuyst & Robert Wuss
Kostuums Sarah Demoen
Met artistieke bijdragen van Aline Goffin, Jef Van gestel & Lander Van den Noortgate
Zakelijke leiding Klein Verzet
Spreiding Vincent Company
Coproductie C-mine, MiramirO, Theater op de Markt & Tweetakt
Met de steun van de Vlaamse overheid & stad Antwerpen
Danku aan hetpaleis & Zonzo Compagnie  


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