- Place BRONKS
Due to medical reasons, Cie Scratch unfortunately had to cancel their show Mousse.
A microphone, juggling balls, a crayon, a gardener, a plant, grandma’s raincoat, and then, yes, Barbara from France Galle. Expectant eyes, the hairstyle is perfect. One big karaoke show.
Mousse looks for punk in juggling. Hard on the outside, soft inside. Sometimes sad, at other times comical. Just like life itself. With friendship as a safety net.
Mousse is an ode to doubt. What do we do in moments of loneliness when we’re alone in a corner and out of sight?
jongleren Gaëlle Coppée
techniek Denis Michiels
coach Bram Dobbelaere
advies clownesk spel Christine Rossignol-Dallaire
advies dramaturgie Gaël Santisteva
advies jongleren & vriendschap Eric Longequel
spreiding Chantal Heck – La chouette diffusion
Een productie van cie Scratch
coproductie Latitude 50 – Pôle des arts du cirque et de la rue [BE], Centre Culturel du Brabant Wallon [BE]
partners Espace Catastrophe – Centre International de Création des Arts du Cirque [BE], Centre Culturel du Brabant Wallon [BE], Latitude 50 – Pôle des arts du cirque et de la rue [BE], Circus Centrum [BE], Festival International des arts de la rue de Chassepierre [BE], Centre Culturel du Wolubilis [BE], Centre Culturel d’Ath – CAR [BE], La Maison des Jonglages [FR], Maison de la création (CC NOH) [BE], Petit théâtre de la grande vie [BE], PERPLX [BE], Lauréat CircusNext+ (Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union), Subtopia [SE], Cirqueon [CZ]
met de steun van Wallonie-Bruxelles Théâtre-Danse [BE], Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles [BE], Wallonie-Bruxelles International WBI