  • Place La montagne magique, Brussel, BE
  • Price €9/€11
  • Length50'
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    co-presentation Théâtre National

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Dominique, you’re sleeping in the woods for the very first time. 
It’s a bit chilly, you think of home. 
The birds have stopped singing. 
And the wolves are keeping watch. 
Dominique, you’re on your own tonight. 

How can you sing your own song if it’s not in tune with the rest of the world? Dominique, all alone, takes you on a trip of a woman who feels invisible. Accompanied by her guardian angel, Dominique wanders along all sorts of paths in the woods and enters into dialogue with the elements. Gradually, as the days and nights pass and she opens herself up to her surroundings, listening to the music all around her, she reawakens as herself once more.

From a bare stage two richly drawn characters draw us in with nothing but their emotional truth and powerful theatricality. This is a journey to the human heart, the place where we encounter our biggest fears and feel our most intense joy. A performance woven with a thread so fine that it’s overwhelming. 


with Garance Durand-Caminos and Tom Geels 

written and directed by Marie Burki 

light Inès Isimbi 

sound Gilles Péquignot, Tom Geels 

choreography Garance Durand-Caminos 

costume & collective creation Carla Pivetta 

visual creation Zaëll de Coster 

outsider perspective Jean Debefve


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