  • Place La montagne magique, Brussel, BE
  • Price €9 / €11
  • Length60'
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During the Second World War, Aline Vervoort, grandmother of Stefanie Claes, is captured in her house in Winksele together with her parents. For a whole year she stays in Ravensbrück women’s concentration camp in Germany. She survives those dark months of cold, hunger, and abuse, but her life is marked forever by the horrors of war. Nothing is ever the same.
As a child, Stefanie dreams sometimes that soldiers invade her street and that she has to flee. Yet it’s not until she’s 16 that she genuinely realises what drama has taken place in her family and she starts talking about those things with her grandmother and mother. Gradually, it becomes clear that the war legacy of her family pervades their lives.

Ravensbrück is a wordless and visual presentation for a restricted audience of adults and (their) children aged 10 and above. Besides the literal meaning of war trauma, Ravensbrück shows how certain events can have a lasting effect on your life. Three generations of women take centre stage, because everyone is a child of someone. 


concept, design, and play Stefanie Claes
dramaturgy & feedback Sofie Van der Linden, Barbara Claes, and Simon Allemeersch      
light advice Marlies Jacques
production Lucinda Ra
co-production De Studio & VIERNULVIER
coverage Vincent Company
in co-operation with De Grote Post, Museum Dr. Guislain & Schouwburg c o r s o
with the support of the Flemish Community & the authors.


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