- Place La montagne magique, Brussel, BE
- Price €9 / €11
- Length60'
- Comment
Is a performance sold out? Then sign up on waiting list at the performance location as from one hour before the performance starts.
Ravensbrück is a wordless and visual presentation for a restricted audience of adults and (their) children aged 10 and above. Besides the literal meaning of war trauma, Ravensbrück shows how certain events can have a lasting effect on your life. Three generations of women take centre stage, because everyone is a child of someone.
concept, design, and play Stefanie Claes
dramaturgy & feedback Sofie Van der Linden, Barbara Claes, and Simon Allemeersch
light advice Marlies Jacques
production Lucinda Ra
co-production De Studio & VIERNULVIER
coverage Vincent Company
in co-operation with De Grote Post, Museum Dr. Guislain & Schouwburg c o r s o
with the support of the Flemish Community & the authors.