• Place BRONKS

The Memeing of Life is a digital image carousel where different acts follow each other in light speed. A Dadaist cabaret for this digital age. Where cute kittens and cheap Tik Tok challenges come under the spotlight.
Bas Vanderschoot and Jeff Aendenboom tinker with their virtual world and lose themselves in the multiplicity of the web. They want to imitate (‘memen’) everything they see in search of the beauty and comfort of this new era.  
Come and be amazed and celebrate this new era!

In the framework of "The Memeing of Life"


Creatie & spel Jeff Aendenboom, Bas Vanderschoot
Sound design Willem Malfliet
techniek/video Flor Huybens
Coaching Joachim Robbrecht, Benjamin Opdebeeck
Productie Eigen Kweek, Dinsdag.org
Met ondersteuning van De Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Met dank aan RADAR, Nineties Productions, De brakke grond


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