- Place BRONKS
We’re standing there. In a line.
We look at each other.
Running. Dropping off. Jumping.
That’s how it should be.
According to the rules.
Run to school. Do our homework. Jump over the buck … gulp … the BUCK?!
In this production with lots of motion and few words BATMAT examines the rules of life in and around the gym. Those with little brawn need brains.
Those who don’t want to be chosen last of all have to be even more clever.
Yet what do you do if you haven’t slept well? Or you’ve forgotten your gym kit? Or what if you were planning to crawl under the buck instead of jumping over it?
van en met Carli Gellings, Heleen Desmet, Laure-Anne Iserief, Paloma Timmerman Neira, Charlotte Wellens
coaching Sabien Van Moorter
kostuum Elise Goedgezelschap scenografie & lichtontwerp Gilles Pollak techniek Gilles Pollak of Hans Rigouts
muziek Adriaan Van de Velde beeld Laure-Anne Iserief productieleiding Tine Coumans
een productie van BATMAT co-productie HET LAB - Hasselt
met dank aan hetpaleis, Westrand Cultuurcentrum Dilbeek, 30CC Leuven, Stad Leuven
met de steun van de Vlaamse Overheid