- Place BRONKS
An emotional coming of age in a silent society.
Voorjaarsontwaken (Spring Awakening) plays out in the twilight zone between childhood and adulthood, outside school hours, at the rehearsal. Fiction and reality turn each other on within the walls of a school play and a group of young people prepare themselves for life. They discover the world, each other, themselves, and the accompanying instincts and perils. And all this whilst their bodies overwhelm them and grow faster than their heads can keep up with. Limits are set just as fast as they become unclear. Feelings of confusion hurt just as much as they soothe. Certainly when choices about your own body are decided by others. Certainly when far from everything is up for discussion. Certainly when you’re not good at feeling better. Certainly when everything can still change. And certainly when it’s all just pure theatre.
Van en met Imke Mol, Mitch Van Landeghem, Flor Van Severen, Naomi van der Horst, Gilles Pollak, Soraya van Welsenis, Matthias Van de brul, Gilles Vandecaveye-Pinoy en Valentina Tóth of Lieselot Siddiki
Naar ‘Frühlings Erwachen’ van Frank Wedekind
Muziek Gilles Vandecaveye-Pinoy en Valentina Tóth
Vormgeving Gilles Pollak en Shervin Sheikh Rezaei
Mixage Cesar De Sutter-Pinoy
Kostuum Lieselot Siddiki
Productie Eva Bracke
Spelcoach Esther de Koning
Eindregie Renée Goethijn
Met dank aan De Figuranten, VIERNULVIER, Compagnie Cecilia, Theater Zuidpool, En Avant Festival, De Grote Post, Sabam, Gemeenschapscentrum De Linde, Carine van Bruggen, Henk Vandecaveye, Victor Hidalgo en Max Grymonprez
Met de steun van de Vlaamse Overheid