house rules
All performances are accessible from a certain age. This minimum age is determined by artists and is based on expertise, form, and content. Although we understand the individuality of each child, this minimum age is non-negotiable.
We use XL to indicate activities which are accessible from age 12 or above. There is no upper limit; you’re never too old for good theatre.
Little brothers or sisters who are too young can normally stay in our free child care facility during the performance.
Switch your smart phone off; not only the sound is highly disruptive, but also the illuminated screen. The people around you, the actors on the stage, and the light and sound producers will be grateful.
We aim to start our performances on the dot. Access to the theatre will not be permitted after the start of the performance, in order to maintain the focus of the audience and the actors. Tickets will be neither exchanged nor refunded.